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Legal warning

AGRIBIO TERRA ORGANIC S.L. (“AGRIBIO”) makes it easy for users (the “User” or “Users”) of this website (the “Website) the following general information data, in accordance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (the” LSSI “) .

  • Registered in the Commercial Registry of Murcia, Volume 3029, Book 0, Folio 194, Page MU -83842, Registration 1
  • CIF: B73820045
  • Madrid-cartagena, Km 383 30100 – (Espinardo) – Murcia
  • Internet domain:
  • Tel: 961232646

Attending to communications from users and / or interested in the following email address:


USER is anyone who accesses the web, use or not the content or information it provides. The USER expressly states and accepts that access to the web implies in its entirety the unequivocal commitment to fulfill each and every one of the general conditions of mere access and use of any of the content provided and / or provided by the web. In any case, if the USER does not understand or assume the fulfillment of all or part of the aforementioned general conditions, he must not access or use the website and / or the contents provided and / or provided through it. Consequently, the User must carefully read this Legal Notice and Privacy Policy on each of the occasions in which he intends to use the web, as it may undergo modifications. In the event that any doubt may arise from reading the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact the owner of the website at the address indicated above of the person in charge.


The owner of the website, through it, makes available to the USER access to a series of contents and information that can be provided by the owner himself or by third parties. AGRIBIO reserves the right to limit, interrupt and suspend access to the website or the use of all or some of its contents or information at any time. Likewise, the owner reserves the right, at any time, to be able to modify the location on the web of the contents that he has, as well as the configuration of both the contents or information as well as the access to them, and even the “look and feel. ”


3.1.- ACCESS AND GENERAL USE OF THE WEB MADE BY A USER.   The USER expressly and unequivocally accepts that access and use of the website does not imply any type of guarantee, which is expressly waived by the owner, regarding the suitability of the contents included therein for particular or specific purposes of the USER . Consequently, both the access to the web and the use of the contents and information are carried out under the exclusive responsibility of the USER, and the owner will not respond in any case and in any measure, neither for direct or indirect damages, nor for emergent damage nor for lost profit, for the possible damages derived from the use of the contents or of the conclusions that the USER himself extracts from the use of the same. The USER expressly and unequivocally accepts that the owner may at any time establish additional conditions or restrictions for accessing the website and for the use of the contents, whose observance will be immediately fulfilled by the USER. 3.2.- AUTHORIZED USE OF THE WEB AND THE CONTENTS. The User expressly and unequivocally consents that he will make an access to the website and, where appropriate, use of it and the contents provided therein in accordance with these general conditions, the particular conditions that may be available for each content, as well as the other applicable regulations, good practices and customs, good faith and public order. In any case, and with a purely enunciative nature, the User undertakes to: a) Do not make access or use of the website or its contents, not allowed or contrary to the purpose of the website and the regulatory framework that regulates it. Thus, the USER must not make or attempt to access or use content and / or restricted areas if in the future they have the web without the proper authorization to do so. In addition, the USER must make said access and use of the restricted areas using the procedures and tools that the website itself has established for it, without in any case fit, is the USER authorized or not for access and use of restricted areas and contents, the use of any computer procedures, means or tools that seek to obviate security and identification measures provided by AGRIBIO or by third parties. b) Access and / or use the website and / or the contents within the principles and purposes for which they were created and made available to the USER, also respecting the format made available and the general conditions set forth herein. In order to comply with these principles and purposes, the USER, with an enunciative and non-limiting nature, undertakes to: b.1) not perform or attempt to carry out actions that entail or may entail damages directly or indirectly, in general, on the web and the contents or information provided therein, and with special character, on the rights of the owner or any third party, be USER or PROVIDER of the web; b.2) not to carry out or attempt to carry out actions that affect, either, among others, by modifying, manipulating or eliminating references or formats of references or mentions on the protection of intellectual or industrial property rights of the holder or third parties, both of the website itself as of the contents provided therein and other elements that compose it; b.3) not to carry out actions that damage or could damage the systems of the owner or third parties, or that in their case affect or may affect the normal development of the object of the web. These actions include the introduction of computer viruses in the systems of the owner, of the USERS or of any third party that affect or may affect the web in some way, as well as the actions aimed at the dissemination of said viruses both in the web as in the web through the web. c) The USER will be liable for all damages and losses, of any nature, that the owner, any other USER or a third party may suffer as a result of the improper use they make of the website or the contents provided therein. Likewise, they will be liable for any amount that the holder must make effective as a result of an administrative resolution, firm judicial decision or transactional agreement tending to compensate third parties for damages caused for the same reason. 3.3.- THE CONTENTS: The USER expressly and unequivocally states that he undertakes not to reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the CONTENTS, unless there is authorization of the holder of the corresponding rights or that is legally permitted, as well as not to break or attempt to break the protection devices or any information mechanisms that may be inserted in the Contents referred for example to the protection of the intellectual or industrial property of the same. The USER undertakes NOT to obtain or attempt to obtain the Contents using means or procedures other than those that, depending on the case, have been made available for this purpose or have been expressly indicated on the web pages where the CONTENTS are located. or, in general, of those that are usually used on the Internet because they do not entail a risk of damage or uselessness of the website and / or the CONTENTS.


The mere exposure of products and / or services and the information about them provided by the owner of the website or through links to other merchant websites of the AMC Group to which AGRIBIO belongs does not in itself imply any commercial activity and Transactions or contracts that may occur between the owner of the website and a USER will be carried out by means of contracting other than the website and will be subject, where appropriate, to the legislation and regulations applicable to the particular case. The purpose of the links that appear on this website is exclusively informative, not assuming, in any case, a suggestion or invitation to the user to visit the destination websites. AGRIBIO will not be, in any case, responsible for the result that the Internet user can obtain or intend to obtain from the websites accessed through the aforementioned links. All the information related to the contents of the web and the links to other Websites, if described, may be varied at any time by the owner without assuming any responsibility for such changes or updates that may occur, or for possible or eventual material errors or transcription of said contents on the web. All this without prejudice to the compliance by the owner of the provisions of the legislation that is applicable.


The contents and information provided by AGRIBIO, as well as the contents spilled on the network Through its website and the corresponding links are protected by applicable international laws and conventions on intellectual property. Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, provision and, in general, any other act of public exploitation referred to both the Web pages and their contents and information, without the express and prior consent and in writing is prohibited. AGRIBIO, with the exception that the scope of application and use is the private one of the user and as long as the transfer to third parties does not occur Consequently, all the contents that are displayed on the Websites and especially, designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, commercial names, brands, industrial drawings or any other signs susceptible to industrial and commercial use are subject to Intellectual and industrial property rights of AGRIBIO or third parties who have duly authorized their inclusion on the web. The contents, images, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that are part of the Web pages, as well as the software necessary for the operation and visualization of them, also constitute a work within the meaning of Copyright and remain, therefore therefore, protected by international conventions and national laws on intellectual property that are applicable. Failure to comply with the aforementioned implies the commission of serious illegal acts and their sanction by civil and criminal legislation. Any act is prohibited by virtue of which the Users of the services or contents may exploit or commercially use, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, any of the contents, images, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that are part of Web pages without prior written permission from AGRIBIO. Specifically, and without exhaustive character, acts of reproduction, distribution, display, transmission, retransmission, broadcast in any form, storage in physical or logical media (for example, floppy disks or computer hard disk), digitization or setting up are prohibited. provision from databases other than those belonging to those authorized by AGRIBIO, as well as its translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other transformation of such information, images, forms, indexes and other formal expressions or commercial phrases that are made available of the Users through the services or contents, as long as such acts are subject to the applicable legislation regarding intellectual, industrial or image protection. AGRIBIO is free to limit access to the website, and the services offered therein. Any of the technical, logical or technological resources are prohibited by virtue of which a third party can benefit, directly or indirectly, with or without profit, from each and every one of the contents, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that are part of Web pages, or the effort carried out by AGRIBIO for its operation. Specifically, any link, hyperlink, framing or similar link that may be established in the direction of the AGRIBIO web pages is prohibited, without the prior, express and written consent of AGRIBIO. Any violation of the provisions of this point will be considered as an injury to the legitimate intellectual property rights of AGRIBIO on the Web pages and all the contents thereof. AGRIBIO will not assume any responsibility for consequences arising from the behaviors and actions mentioned above.


6.1. EXCLUSION OF GUARANTEES AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FUNCTIONING OF THE WEB. The owner does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the website or of those other websites with which a Link has been established. Likewise, the owner will not be in any case responsible for any damages that may arise from a) the lack of availability or accessibility to the website or to those other sites with which a Link has been established; b) the interruption in the operation of the web or computer failures, telephone breakdowns, disconnections, delays or blockages caused by deficiencies or overloads in telephone lines, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems produced in the course of its operation; c) the lack of suitability of the website for the specific needs of the USERS and d) other damages that may be caused by third parties through unauthorized interference beyond the control of the owner. Likewise, the owner warns that the quality of the disposition of the contents and information ions on the web and the use made of them by the USER, depends largely on the hardware and software of the latter meet the technical requirements that may be necessary at the discretion of the owner. Therefore, the owner is not responsible for the impossibility or deficiency in the provision of content or information on the website or the use thereof by the USERS in the event that they do not meet the aforementioned technical requirements. The owner does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements on the web introduced by third parties outside the holder that may cause alterations in the physical or logical systems of the USERS or in the electronic documents and files stored in their systems, such as screensavers or wallpapers. Consequently, the owner will not be in any case responsible for any damages and losses of any nature that may arise from the presence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the physical or logical systems, electronic documents or files of the USERS. The owner does not guarantee that unauthorized third parties cannot access the type of use of the website made by the USER or the conditions, characteristics and circumstances in which said use is made. Consequently, AGRIBIO will not be liable in any case for damages that may arise from such unauthorized access. 6.2.- EXCLUSION OF GUARANTEES AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OF THE WEB. The owner will not be liable in any case for the use that USERS and / or third parties could make of the website or the contents and information, nor for the damages that could be derived from it. Thus, the owner warns that in the event that studies, opinions, reports, etc., are included in the future, included as content on the web, said contents made by the owner or third parties are intended to provide only guidance that supports the activity of the USER, so the USER expressly accepts that in no case the holder assumes any responsibility for any damages that may be caused directly or indirectly by the use that the USER makes of said contents and the conclusions drawn from the same. It excludes all responsibility for the decisions that the User can make based on this information, as well as for possible typographical errors or technical inconsistencies that may contain the documents and graphics that the page had. The information is subject to possible periodic changes without prior notice of its content by extension, improvement, correction or updating of the Contents.


7.1.- COOKIES. The USER expressly and unequivocally states and authorizes the owner to use, if it deems appropriate, “cookies”, when the website is accessed and / or used by the USER. Said cookies may be voluntarily rejected by the USER. The use of these “cookies” by the owner will occur in a dissociated manner, so that a process of association between the USER and / or his access device and the personal data of the USER will not be carried out. In no case will the voluntary refusal to establish “Cookies” impair the USER’s ability to access and use the Contents. For more information see COOKIES POLICY 7.2.- LINKS. All those who intend to establish a link, hyperlink between their website and this website must obtain prior authorization from the owner. In the case of obtaining such authorization (which may be revoked unilaterally at any time), the establishment of the link will have to meet the following requirements: a) the establishment of the link may in no case imply any reproduction of the website, but should only serve to allow access to the web. Likewise, access through the link can only be made to the home page of the website (“homepage”), in any case to another page other than this one; b) a frame or a border environment will not be created on the web; c) no false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications will be made on the website; d) it will not be declared or implied that the owner of the web endorses, recommends, supervises or assumes the contents provided or the services provided through the Web pages in which the link was established, eluding and renouncing the owner to any responsibility that may incur the web page (its managers, owners, etc.) both for the establishment of the link itself to the homepage of the web and for the services provided and the contents provided on said web page; e) in any case, the authorization to establish the link will only imply an authorization tion of establishing the link in accordance with the provisions of this section, so that in no case will it imply, without authorization, the possibility of using or disposing on said Web page in which the owner’s intellectual or industrial property rights link was established or from any third party. In any case, the Web page in which the link is established may not contain distinctive signs that may lead to the understanding of the existence of an association relationship (as it does not exist) between the services, products and contents provided and provided on the Web page. and those willing and provided through the web. Likewise, they may not induce to understand the existence of an association (when it does not exist) between the individual, legal entity or entity that you manage or be the owner of said website and the owner or third party providers of content and / or information on the website; f) the Web page in which the link is established, during the period that the link is established, may not provide or provide services or illegal, fraudulent content, contrary to these general conditions, in good faith, in good faith customs and the rights of third party providers of web content or the owner.


The aspects related to the treatment of the personal data of the Users due to the use of the Website are regulated in the page “Privacy Policy”


If any clause of this legal notice of this website is declared totally or partially null or ineffective it will affect only such provision or the part of it that is null or ineffective, subsisting in everything else, the rest of the condition of the legal notice and having such disposition or the part of the same that is affected by not put unless unless, to be essential to the present clauses, it would have to affect them in an integral way.


The owner reserves the right to exercise as many actions as are available in law to demand the responsibilities arising from the breach of any of the provisions of this Legal Notice by a USER. The provision of the web service and these clauses are governed by Spanish Law. To the extent permitted by law, the parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply to them, agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Murcia.